"Climbing is my life."

"ROCK: gives me motivation!"

Fotos: © Reini Fichtinger

ANNA STÖHR  Born in 1988, lives in Innsbruck. In 2003, Anna became youth world champion in speed climbing. Her forte is bouldering, where she has won the World Championships in 2007 and 2011. In 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 she won the overall World Cup. Her rock climbing resume includes boulders up to 8B and sport climbs up to 8c.

Her hobbies are skiing powder, traveling, photography, cinema and books.

Favourite home area

Zillertal, Averstal (Magic Wood)

Six words, six statements

CLIMBING: is my life  /  ROCK: gives me motivation!  /  COMPS: are sooo much fun!  /  PLANET EARTH: is really important  /  POLITICS: very important!  /  MOTTO: keep smiling

Six of my favourite places

Zillertal, my home, my parent’s house, Rocklands, New Zealand, everywhere where good rock is!!

Things that suck

Lies and arrogance

One word describes …

BOULDERING: awesome  /  ROUTES: pumpy but fun  /  PLASTIC: training and playing around  /  ALPINISM: interesting and scary  /  NO CLIMBING: sucks

Three things a woman/man should do

Laughing a lot, being friendly, having fun

Goals for the future

To enjoy life!

Final statement

I hope you like squadra!!