Jakob Schubert

"NO CLIMBING: No life!"

Fotos: © Reini Fichtinger

JAKOB SCHUBERT  Born in Innsbruck, where he lives. At age 12, he joined Reini Scherer’s training group. He soon played less soccer and trained seriously. It paid off: Jakob has won countless competitions and several world championship medals. What is often overlooked is that Jakob is Austria’s most accomplished sport climber, with ascents up to 9b (Fight or Flight, Oliana, and Planta de Shiva, Andalusia). 

First of all I want to say


Favourite home area

Zillertal, Ötztal, Arco

Six words, six statements

CLIMBING: not only my sport, also my lifestyle!  /  ROCK: perfect place to have fun with friends!  /  COMPS: Die ganze Kraft in einen Versuch setzten und den Kopf im Griff haben!  /  PLANET EARTH: Needs more rock!  /  POLITICS: Demokratie!  /  MOTTO: Get strong or die training

Six of my favourite places

Innsbruck, Céuse, Arco, Zillertal, Ötztal, Fontainebleau

Four things that suck

Bad skin, bad weather, arrogance, long hikes

One word describes …

BOULDERING: fun, especially if you have the right people around!  /  ROUTES: trying, training, to be very happy in the end!  /  PLASTIC: training, training, training, not always fun, but most of the time, especially in Innsbruck ;)  /  ALPINISM: scary  /  NO CLIMBING: No life!

Three things a woman/man should do

Everyone has to find out for her/himself.

Goals for the future

To have as much fun with climbing like right now! To climb more rock and more hard routes! More success in comps and graduate in university!